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Sizzling Step No. 6: Never underestimate your hobby

Updated: Aug 22, 2020

Your interest in your profession contributes to your growth.
Follow your passion

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful."

Hobby, by definition is a regular activity done for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure time, not professionally and not for pay. This definition has changed lately and in this new era, hobbies have turned out to be the best profession one can possibly imagine.

We meet thousands of individuals across globe complaining about an utterly dissatisfied life. We checked with them, counselled them and realise that everyone had a different reason for dissatisfaction. Some said they were not happy because their love life was not good, whereas some highlighted lack of money as the reason. There were many, but there was one thing which was common in all these people. And that was the fact that they spent a majority of their 24 hours on something they were not interested to do. That led to a bad day, in turn affecting the rest of the time they spent at home, work or leisure.

Problems were complex, but the solution we found was pretty easy. Just 3 steps.

  1. Identify where you spend the major chunk of your 24 hours.

  2. Check if that is something you really want to do.

  3. If not, then start making changes.

Steps are easy. Answer is even easier. Pursue your hobby. All of us have affinity to certain things as a child. Some like travelling, whereas some like photography. Some like public speaking, and some like me, love writing. What if, our hobby becomes our profession. Our love for our hobby would always keep us engaged and happy. That will, in turn contribute to the rest of our day and make our lives simple. Overall, it paces up your productivity and pushes you hard towards a happier and motivated life.

If you want to pursue your hobby and want to find the way out, please contact our experts over



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