2021 has started off with a bang. After a long streak of pay cuts and layoffs, companies are back to a hiring spree with the recruitment happening in large numbers for large corporates. These times are best for aspiring candidates who wish to climb up the ladder. But unfortunately, things are not as smooth as they seem. Many of us don't even receive calls from recruiters. Others are unable to crack the offer even when they get a chance to attend interviews. This article for all such candidates. Listed below are the 5 gaps that we miss out while creating our profile.
This video explains the below gaps and solutions in detail.
CV and job portal not updated properly
Mismatch of experience with skills
Mismatch of experience with salary
Mismatch of skills and education
Lack of industry level certifications
Make sure your skills are as per your educational qualification.
Analyse your industry and have a balance between experience and skills.
Make sure your salary hike is aligned to the market standards.
Are you now prepared for your next interview ? All the very best