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Sizzling Step No. 1: Understand the market and be informed

As Dan Brown rightly mentioned in his famous novel The lost Symbol, "Great minds are always feared by lesser minds." Once a reader reads this phrase, his view point decides as to which category he belongs to. People belonging to the great mind category can be categorised into 2 types - ones who are confident that they belong to the great mind category, and others who are indeed great minds filled with knowledge and wisdom. A survey was conducted on which type of person will be successful, 65% said that the latter is expected to be very successful, and the former is expected to live a life full of myths.

But the truth of this world is way different from what we expect it to be. If we analyse the 2 cases, we can see that there are further sub-categories to this. The major sub-category is the one which contains those who know an impossible fact, "I know everything".

Such people are easily available in every city across globe. Their knowledge seem to be limited, but they consider their limited knowledge as a vast ocean and project the same in front of everyone. People who follow them end up living a life of hallucination.

Classic examples are the one who fight for religion, caste, colour, creed. If we ask them what they are fighting for, the answer will be "Culture". They feel they are preserving their culture. And how exactly are they doing it ? By demeaning others and fighting with them. But the fact is that the only culture which our creator had created was "Humanity". That must be the only culture one must fight for by helping and caring for each other.

There comes the second sub-category that is completely niche. They are the ones who keep on updating themselves with knowledge on their area of work, the world and most importantly, their inner self. They never comment on facts that are unknown. They have a lifelong motto, "I will keep learning, and this process will never end". Their attitude makes them different from others and their knowledge gives them the confidence to face any challenge.

We have not forgotten the third and the major sub-category. Ones who do not believe in any of the above. For them, I would again repeat the phrase, "Great minds are always feared by lesser minds." Now you decide which category do you belong to. The journey is simple. You just need to know have the patience and willingness to understand the world. Confidence will follow automatically. All the best.

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