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Sizzling Step No. 2: Hold the baton of your life in your own hands

Updated: Jul 31, 2020

Peter F. Drucker rightly said, "The best way to predict the future is to create it."

Does the above line hold good for everyone ? Well I think, this question must be rephrased as "Does the above line apply to you ?" Y/N Think over it and then read the rest of the article.

You must be having different thoughts, now that you have actually started thinking over it. Thoughts like future is unpredictable and that there is no chance anyone can have control over it. If you are thinking on these lines, you are absolutely right. Life is unpredictable when the headline of your diary says, "10 things to do in next 10 years." But have you ever planned your 24 hours and achieved it. If Yes, you will understand what i mean. And if your answer is No, then read the rest of the article very carefully.

Predicting your future does not mean planning the events that will happen. It certainly relates to deciding the end goal that you want to achieve. People fail only when they get obsessed with the path, so much so that they get depressed and lose their goal even with a slightest deviation. This happens with majority of people who have ever tried to do big in life. Does that mean we must stop planning for events to achieve our goal ? The answer to this is a big No.

The one thing you must stop doing is making your plans rigid and get obsessed with it. Plans must be flexible where deviations must be happily accepted and changes must be done as per situation. Many amongst you working in corporates can relate it to agile ways of working where you conduct a sprint review and retrospective after every sprint. You assess what you have achieved and areas where you can improvise yourself. The end release goal is always achieved, but not necessarily as per the discussion that was done in the release planning.

If you are able to relate now, then don't just sit and smile. Go ahead and create your future. Because as we all know, The best way to predict the future is to create it." and it definitely applies to everyone.



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