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Sizzling Step No. 3: Set your goals while keeping room for changes

It sounds more like Step No. 2 where we discussed about how goals must be set with flexibility in the path. Here we will be discussing about why our goals must also have some level of flexibility.

"Set your goals high enough to inspire you and low enough to encourage you."

To start with, our world is no more static. In fact, nothing in this world is static anymore. Everything around us is upgrading on a daily basis starting from a smartphone to an airplane. Having said that, the goals we set must also undergo changes with these changing times.

So how do we set our goals ? Should we even set goals anymore ? Or should we not ?

These questions trouble our minds a lot all the time. But the fact is, setting a goal is an art in itself. We come across many who have this experience of starting a personal diary, setting up a goal on the first page and cutting it across when they realise they don't want it anymore. The solution to this is pretty simple to understand, but takes a lot of self-control and a focussed mind to implement. Lets break it down as below:

  1. Divide your goals into short term and long term.

  2. Try not to include materialistic things in your long term goal list. The chances of them getting struck off is more.

  3. Try to set milestones such that fulfilling the milestones would eventually lead to your goal. For example: If one wishes to finish 20 chapters in a book and 40 days are left for your exam, it is advisable to complete 4 chapters every 5 days, and utilise the last 15 days for revision.

  4. Understand the value of your 24 hours and try making it useful by taking one step each day towards your goal.

  5. Get obsessed with growing each day and not with your goal. The attitude itself would make you a better person and would lead you to a goal which would be much better than the one you planned.

I know there must be many questions. Like how can you be so sure this is the only way to plan ? We have tried and advised many and it has worked for us. There are indeed many variations to this. If you want a customised plan for yourself, please email us your query.

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