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How can you make Lockdown 4.0 productive by 10 interesting ideas ?

Updated: Aug 23, 2020

We all know how COVID 19 has adversely affected all our lives. We are living a time where we are house arrested, not by force but by choice to keep ourselves safe. In Lockdown 4.0 situation, there are 2 possible ways we can spend our time - Keep cribbing on the current situation or utilise this time in one's favour.

Keeping this in mind, we have come up with 10 interesting ways of making use of your time efficiently at home. These methods will help you get a healthy lifestyle during this lockdown - Financially, personally and professionally.

1. Follow your passion and improve yourself

When Question is, "Why are you not pursuing your passion nowadays ?", the most common answer we get is "You know I am busy at work on weekdays and weekends are all about filling up groceries and going shopping. I don't have time. But I will definitely start again one day." That one day never comes.

So why not now ? We are at home now. A slight planning can give us ample time in a day for us to nourish our potential. You never know this might lead to the next big thing for your career. For reference books, click here. The potential options are:

1. Start writing about your lockdown experience in a blog.

2. Suggest some interesting lockdown gift ideas on Youtube.

3. Play some cool Lockdown games with kids.

4. Watch some interesting lockdown web series.

5. Play lockdown quiz with your family and friends.

2. Start your personal Youtube Channel

The Digital evolution has led to a lot of different modes of businesses and one of the most famous digital revenue model is Youtube. If you can make content in the form of videos and have the willingness to showcase it to the world, Youtube is the right place to start with. Owning a Youtube channel is fairly easy and requires no added investment. The content may include cooking videos, painting videos, challenge videos, planting videos, room cleaning videos. Please read the Terms and Conditions on when and how you can start earning on your channel. Check my Youtube Channel here.

3. Get yourself certified in Industry level certifications and become market ready

In today's fast moving world of high demand and low supply, Certifications have become entry gates to identify a talent amongst a pool of candidates. There are well acclaimed institutes across globe who issue certifications in various subjects that have high weightage when it comes your yearly appraisal or cracking a job interview. We would be listing some of the premium certifications of high value in a separate blog. Every field whether it be IT, Sports, Cooking, Painting, Banking, Insurance, Media, Press etc. have different internationally acclaimed bodies that issue certifications.

For Scrum certifications follow the link.

4. Workout daily at home to stay fit

COVID 19 has been able to restrict us within our houses. The only way to stay safe from Novel Corona Virus is to stay at home. But there is another fact that states that staying idle at home makes your body prone to other diseases which might affect individuals due to inadequate physical movement. Tracker survey that was conducted recently, a mammoth 87.2 per cent of Indians have become vigilant towards their personal hygiene during Covid lockdown. Health and hygiene brands have risen to the occasion and have started massive campaigns to spread awareness on cleanliness. Check out some home workouts here.

5. Start blogging

We would have seen our elders maintaining personal diaries and scrap books. They used to maintain it daily and would read them whenever they found them in some corner of the house. The digital evolution has definitely made that practice obsolete to some extent, but the new way of having your diary is to have a blog. Writing a blog, does't necessarily mean making it public, it can be kept private as well. Instead of printing photographs and sizing them in a photo album, blogs give you the liberty to save your photographs and videos in different structures and access them from any device across globe.

6. Learn stock trading to multiply your salary

Stock Trading is considered by some as the best place to make money and some as the place to lose them. The reason for this different perceptions is the level of knowledge people have on trading stocks. Movement in stock prices is based on supply and demand, which in turn depend of multiple parameters. People are able to interpret the parameters make money and the others don't. This lockdown gives us a golden chance to learn stock trading and multiply our income once we gain confidence on our knowledge. Nowadays there are multiple video tutorials which explain stock trading in simple and interesting manner. One such platform is Binomo trading which helps you start your trading journey with a minimum amount of INR 350.

7. Learn Cooking new items

Cooking has been a true replication of what scientists do in their labs. They mix chemicals whereas home cooks mix spices. A true example of innovation in 21st century is food. So many different food items with just minor change in cooking processes and ingredients have caught limelight. The same can be verified by the restaurant menus which showcase almost 20 to 30 items of different taste having the same ingredients with minor difference in the amount of spices and process of cooking. This skill can be nourished in every household if given a chance. And this is the right opportunity for you to explore these areas. You never know this might lead to opening of a new restaurant in town post lockdown with your name on it.

8. Learn new technical and industrial skills

Skills are the primary areas that are looked upon when it comes to shortlisting a candidate for a particular role/position. At these times of COVID 19 when people are losing jobs, it is very much required to make your profile a niche one by adding skills to them. This might include technical skills like coding, warehousing, cooking, architecture etc and industrial skills like project management, Human resourcing, people management etc. There are multiple websites who are providing courses on these skillsets in user-friendly manner - Udemy, Shaw Academy, Coursera

9. Meditate and give yourself some 'me' time

In the pre-lockdown phase, we were living in a busy world always surrounded by people, not having enough time for yourself. Hearing your inner silence is sometimes very necessary for any individual to overcome the worldly challenges. It gives you clarity and helps you get a pause and think over problems for solutions. The best time to do the same is early morning preferably in your balcony where you get a chance to feel the natural warmth. A meditation playlist in the background creates the magic.

10. Plant saplings to save nature

Seeing the world in 2020 where we have spreading virus, cyclones, tsunamis, earthquakes in different parts of the world, its high time we understand the importance of the natural resources, the depletion of which is a possible reason to all these calamities. During this lockdown, a mandatory task we should do it is to plant saplings in and around our houses. It can be a small rose plant or a large coconut tree, as per your location. You can purchase planting tools using the amazon link at cheaper prices.

There are many other alternative things you can do during lockdown. The only thing you must do for sure is to stop planning and take actions. Life is all about experimenting, go ahead and do your share of experiments.



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