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5 most common interview mistakes to avoid

Interviews in 2020 have become a priced asset. Committing mistakes is totally not acceptable considering the low demand. To ensure our candidates do not fall prey to simple mistakes and loose golden opportunities, we have identified 5 major interview mistakes most people commit. In this article, we have also covered the best practices to ensure these mistakes are not committed.

Please watch the video for details on each of the below pointers.

Never start answering a question instantaneously

85% candidates have a habit on jumping to the answer as soon as the interviewer completes his question. In that process, the chance of skipping/missing important pointers is high. To ensure this does not happen, we have 5 important steps for you to follow:

  1. Take a pause of 2-3 sec and structure the answer in your mind.

  2. Get clarity on the question if you are unsure

  3. Recall any past experience which you can talk about as a reference

  4. Finalise the key areas you are going to talk about

  5. Calm down and tell the story

Don’t screw up the basic question of “Tell me about yourself” or “Walk me through your profile”

The only question that is part of every interview ever conducted is this. According to a report, the answer to this question impacts the decision of the interviewer. It is always good to prepare this before entering the interview room. Here are the 5 tips:

  1. Frame your answer in an order.

  2. Start with the latest education you completed.

  3. For freshers, specify the projects or committees you were in.

  4. For professionals, give a brief on the overall experience, but specify the one that’s relevant to the JD

  5. Explain your day to day activity as part of your current role

Never try to impress by chanting definitions or saying something irrelevant

Interview is not a subjective paper and the interviewer wont give you marks for speaking irrelevant information. The key is to be crisp and precise. To ensure you do not commit this mistake, please follow the below tips:

  1. If you don’t know the answer, admit it. Don’t speak anything and everything

  2. If you can, mention about one of your experiences with the term/situation

  3. Skipping a question sometimes helps you get bonus questions

Never forget your experiences

Experiences are very important when it comes to hiring someone for middle or senior positions. Bookish knowledge might help enter into a junior role, but for handling higher roles with perfection, one needs to have practical exposure to situations. When an interviewer seeks information on a particular module/project/tool, he expects you to have a hands-on experience with the same. During interview, please follow the following:

  1. Try to give references to your own experiences in every answer

  2. Be prepared to face the counter questions

  3. Frame our answer in your mind and then start explaining

Never miss the chance of asking question to interviewer

We often see ourselves in a situation when the recruiter asks us to question him for anything. Most candidates still feel that if you ask, the person might get offended. The fact is that even this question helps him in understanding your thought process. But before questioning, you must make sure you follow the below pointers:

  1. Understand the role of the interviewer and decide your question accordingly

  2. Do not ask generic questions whose answer can be found on google like, “How is the company performing ?”

  3. Limit your questions to a maximum of 2


The above are 5 mistakes that every person who has ever appeared an interview has definitely committed at least once. During these times when getting an interview is itself a tough job, one needs to ensure these small mistakes do not happen.

If you want to learn any of the above in detail, visit the product site to check out the best packages on Profile Building.

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