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How to start an online coaching business in India ?

Updated: Feb 7, 2021

Coaching business in India has been one of the most profitable business with minimum investment. Having said that, setting up one requires a detailed step by step guide. In this article, we are going to explain each step in much detail. Before going ahead, readers need to understand that coaching is synonymous to guiding someone for his/her future. When we talk of guiding someone for future, we need to be extra cautious and must only go ahead if our core motive is to help someone. It should not be only about money.

To understand better, you can watch the video for alternative understanding.

Identify your Niche

The first step in coaching or teaching business is to identify our strengths. For that, try and recall that one subject that always helped you relax and enjoy your time. Subject knowledge needs to be at an expert level so that you can address your audience with much ease.

Record Sessions

2021 is the era for video form of education. Ever since the world got restricted within their houses, educational institutions are moving from traditional classroom teaching to classes over video sessions. The same needs to be followed for recording our sessions. You don't need expensive gears to record these. You would need a camera phone, a microphone, tripod stand and a decent lighting.

Create courses on platforms like teachable

Once recorded, the next step is to present it to the audience. For that, you can feature the videos over youtube or facebook page. You can also create a website and setup subscriptions for your audience. All of this would require detailed strategy and marketing technique. To reduce such complexities and ease the process, we recommend using teachable to properly structure the courses. Teachable offers unique features likes sales page. pricing, landing page, billing and invoicing.


Now that we have the courses in place, It's time to showcase it to the right audience. For that, we need to create some really eye catchy ad campaigns. Once done, we need to launch the same over facebook, instagram and google. Our recommendation would be to give a free demo to the audience to give them an experience of your videos and whether they would benefit them or not.

Live Sessions

Once the courses are launched and people start subscribing, it is important to arrange sessions to clarify their queries. Hence live sessions are to be organised every week, where queries from students need to clarified. The maximum number of participants and the topics to be covered need to be decided by you based on your subject.

Pricing and Profit

The pricing for your courses can be set at a discounted price. The expenses include teachable subscription, video recording setup and cost of ad campaigns. The details of the same has been explained with calculation in the above video.

Upgrade the courses as per syllabus

The last and the most important step is to upgrade the courses as the syllabus is modified. This is very much required especially if you are creating courses for schools and college level subjects. The adherence to the syllabus is of utter importance.


These are our simple steps by which anyone can create an online coaching business and generate recurring revenue.

If you want to learn any of the above in detail, visit the product site to check out the best packages on business development.

If you want to read about business development, visit our website.

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