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The Future Of Content Marketing In 2020 (And Why You Should Pay Attention)

What is content marketing? What is the value of content marketing?

Content marketing is defined as a marketing strategy that revolves around the creation, publication, and distribution of content to a target audience (customers) in order to bring new traffic for your website or blogs. Content not only helps us to build trust and connect with our target audience, but also acts as fuel for our other marketing techniques.

The content we create and distribute on the web has a much longer shelf life at a lower cost. It adds relevance, meaning and dimension to the existing traditional approaches so that we can engage with potential customers and makes our overall marketing work easier.

Content marketing helps to improve conversions because it allows us to connect with and educate our customers which, in turn, helps us to build trust and relationships. Value-added content is a unique, original, or exclusive content or information that our audience is searching for on the internet.

Through the use of content marketing, any individual or an organization can set themselves apart from their competitors, developing trust and credibility with their online communities.

In 2020, content marketing is defined on a personal intent. Content marketers will act more like journalists shifting the focus to real people, infusing their content with authenticity, and using formats like video to make the audience feel as close to the story as possible.

To know more, refer to the link below:

What are the different types of Content Marketing techniques used by individuals to create contents?

There are many different types of content marketing which can include any of the following mentioned features:

  • Blogging

  • Videos

  • Podcasting

  • Infographics

  • Emails

  • Visual contents

  • E-books

  • Whitepapers

  • Slide share presentations

  • Quizzes/Tools

  • Checklists

  • Courses

  • Webinars

  • Free applications

  • Social media posts

There are other forms as well like In-person product demos, seminars and physical leaflets that can be considered as types of content marketing.

The main focus with all these types of content marketing areas is that the content provided should be informative and in turn, will support of a business goal.

Let me explain you this with an example. There are majorly four things that any business wants as an end result of their content marketing efforts:

  • Driving traffic to key landing pages

  • Spreading brand awareness

  • Building relationships

  • Bringing in revenue

  • Generating social shares and backlinks

In fact, presently, you all reviewing this content is also Content Marketing.

For more insights, refer to the link below:

What are the benefits of content marketing?

The core benefit of content marketing is that it allows us to provide value to our leads and customers with no strings attached.

Other benefits include the following::

1. Heightened Brand Affinity::

One of the most beneficial bonuses offered by content marketing is increased brand affinity in which the customers feel passionate about and share the values of a company or brand. They love what you sell, frequently tell their friends and family about how great you are, and will vouch for your products without any prompting whatsoever.

Regardless of what kinds of content you publish, it’s crucial that you have a voice for it. The reason so much content on the web is bland and instantly forgettable is because far too many sites are afraid of putting forward a specific point of view.

2. Larger Remarketing Audiences::

One of the most tactically advantageous benefits of content marketing is that it allows us to create highly refined audience based on our site traffic, a super-effective technique for increasing your conversion rates.

3. Driving Traffic Through Image Search::

In order to publish quality content we consistently need to offer amazing optimization opportunities that static sites cannot, including image optimization. Image search is becoming increasingly popular (and accurate) as this presents the diligent content marketer with an amazing opportunity to capitalize on the laziness of others and leverage image search for greater visibility. Every image is a “free” opportunity to rank for certain image queries, which can drive significant traffic to your site over time.

4. Leveraging Your Social Media Profile::

Content marketing and social media are inter-connected. Publishing content on your site, use social media to promote it, grow your audience, rinse and repeat.

The first thing you need to accept is that building a social media following takes a long time. There’s just no two ways about it. Consistently writing and publishing the very best content you can for months or even years without any real movement can be bitterly discouraging.

However, as with so much in life, it’s all about perception. Great content gives you stuff to post to your social feeds, which shows your social feeds have value and can help you grow those social followings.

To know more benefit for content marketing, refer to the link below:

Content Marketing trends you need to know for 2020?

Check out these content marketing trends you need to know for 2020.

1. Video and live-streaming::

Video and live-streaming have become huge recently thanks to popular platforms like YouTube and it’s only going to get bigger in 2020.

In fact, according to the brand HubSpot, 54 percent of consumers want to see more video content from a brand or business they support.

So, if you want your content marketing to connect and engage your audience in 2020, you need to start incorporating more videos.

You’re not just limited to YouTube as a number of different platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and even on your own website have options to post video contents for better visibility.

2. Optimizing content for voice search::

With smartphones and AI-powered assistants like Alexa and Siri in our lives, the use of voice search is skyrocketing.

More people are searching online using their voice, instead of typing in a query. Because of this, we need to optimize our content for voice search.

We need to focus on anticipating the questions their audience would ask in a conversational manner and create content based on those conversational questions and longtail keywords.

3. Conversational marketing::

Most businesses are realizing that the fastest way to move buyers through their marketing funnels is with one-on-one conversations. This is the reason why conversational marketing will be a trend in 2020.

When we have one-on-one, personal conversations with our audience, we not only create a more humanly-buying experience, but we can learn a lot about our audience, which, in turn, helps us to create more relevant content and marketing messages in the future.

Conversational marketing comes in many forms including email marketing, live customer support, customer success programs, Facebook Messenger marketing, chatbots and more. And with advances in artificial intelligence, chatbots are only going to get better at having life-like conversations with users.

4. Dynamic content delivery::

By now you all probably have heard plenty about the importance of personalization. Today, consumers expect to receive emails and offers personalized to their specific needs.

In fact, according to statistics from the Instapage, 54 percent of shoppers anticipate a personalized discount within a day of sharing their information with any retailer.

But in 2020, consumers want next-level personalization. Here, we nee to enter the world of dynamic content. Dynamic content, also known as adaptive content, refers to the web content that changes based on the user’s demographics, behaviors, preferences, and interests.

With personalization, you are able to deliver content to users that is relevant and interesting to them. But with dynamic content, we can also provide them with the exact content that will encourage them to take the next step in the buying process.

To know about more trends for Content marketing in 2020, visit the link below:

Now that you have learnt about Content Marketing, I am sure you all are exited to start creating contents and use them to gain more visibility on Social Media platforms and in turn, get more traffic to your websites or blogposts o even social media posts.

What are you waiting for then? Go and start creating amazing contents!

For more such amazing contents and videos about latest trends in 2020, subscribe to our YouTube Channel and visit our Facebook Page



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