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How to start a photography business in 2021 ?

As we end the year, the resolutions start piling up for the new year. But 2020 has been so unexpected that writing resolutions is too uncertain for many. Yet, it has also taught us to adapt as per situation and ensure we overcome the high tides.

The pandemic has forced us to go digital. Taking that into consideration, we have curated a list of 6 essential purchases you need to do for starting a photography business.

Camera - New and Used camera

The first item is of course, a camera. A camera purchase is all dependent on your pockets. But, does that mean you need heavy investment for purchasing one ? No. The simple solution that many of us follow is to go for a used camera. In that way, you can start with a low budget and as your business grows, you can upgrade to better and costlier gears. There are websites like quikr and olx that provide these services. You can also approach some local stores for purchasing a second hand camera. There are few things that you must take care while purchasing a used camera.

  1. Do a thorough inspection of its parts, especially the buttons, screen and lens.

  2. Ensure your camera is not totally outdated. In simple language, it must be compatible with the new-gen accessories. For that, try to purchase a model that has been launched not more than 2-3 years back.

  3. Take some pictures before finalising the deal.

For more information on camera purchase, please visit our products page for a free consultancy.

Photo Editor - Photoshop, lightroom cc.

Once pictures are taken in RAW format, the next step is to edit them for final delivery. Editing is subjective, some like it in a simple manner whereas others like the colors to pop out. As per client requirement, the pictures can. be edited. For editing the softwares we suggest is Adobe photoshop. Adobe lightroom cc. But before using them, our suggestion would be to go for course that can give you a detailed tutorial and photoshop and its configuration.

Course details: Adobe Photoshop course

Website - wordpress, wix

Whether it be wedding photography or wildlife, a website gives your clients a walkthrough and an experience of the quality of product that they are going to get from you. For this, we recommend wordpress and wix. They have exclusive themes for photographers. To keep you clients at pace with your projects, you can also create a Facebook page and an Instagram handle to help you reach out to your audience realtime.

Client Management System (optional)

A client management system is used for multiple purposes like invoicing, order management, account management etc. It also helps you streamline your client handling process. We have kept it as optional since it would be more relevant when you handle multiple clients at the same time. For starters, we advise to use MS Excel and google sheets and upgrade to a client management software as your business expands.

Photo delivery system - pictime

Delivering photos to clients earlier meant handing over a CD or a pendrive. But as we advance into clouds, the earlier methods seem outdated. The tool that is widely used and is advised for starters is google drive and dropbox. For others, I would recommend pictime. It is a intuitive tool that is easy to use and give your photo delivery a brilliant touch in front of your clients.

Backup - HDD and SSD

The final step once a project ends is to backup the data and then to archive it as days pass. For that there are multiple online tools, yet we would recommend to archive your pictures in a Hard disk or SSD. For starters, our recommendation would be to go for a 1 TB hard disk and use it for your initial projects.


These are our 6 essential steps that one needs to follow if you are planning to start a photography business in 2021.

If you want to learn any of the above in detail, visit the product site to check out the best packages on business development.

If you want to read about business development, visit our website.

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In 2021, let's take our passion for photography to a commercially different level.


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